Tuesday, July 6, 2010

If I were...

* If I were a season I would be ... SUMMER.
* If I were one month I would be... JULY.
* If I were a day of the week I would be... SATURDAY.
* If I were a moment I would be... THE NIGHT.
* If I were a marine animal I would be... A DOLPHIN.
* If I were a land animal I would be... A WHITE LION.
* If I were a virtue I would be... AUTONOMY.
* If I were a planet I would be... JUPITER.
* If I were a fluid I would be... COCO MADEMOISELLE.
* If I were a rock I would be... GNEISS.
* If I were a metal I would be ... TITANIUM.
* If I were a bird I would be... AN EAGLE.
* If I were a plant I would be... A SNOWDROP.
* If I were a state of weather I would be... THUNDER AND LIGHTNING.
* If I were an instrument I would be... A PIANO.
* If I were a feeling I would be... CONFIDENCE.
* If I were a sound I would be... THE CRICKETS ON A MIDSUMMER NIGHT.
* If I were a city I would be... NEW YORK.
* If I were a taste I would be... SWEETNESS.
* If I were a flavor I would be... SPICY VANILLA.
* If I were a color I would be... RED.
* If I were a material I would be... VELVET.
* If I were a body part I would be... THE HEAD.
* If I were a drug I would be... EXTASY.
* If I was an accessory I would be... A SCARF.
* If I were a facial expression I would be... A SMILE.
* If I were a subject I would be... ASTROLOGY.
* If I were a cartoon character I would be... STEWIE GRIFFIN.
* If I was a shape I would be... A HEART SHAPE.
* If I were a number I would be... 7.
* If I were a car I would be... A FERRARI.
* If I were a fashion article I would be... A BOLERO.

Meh, I fell asleep after I arrived home today and now it's 2 am and since I'm up and got nothing to do. Well I do have, but I don't feel like it now, lol. I tag Serenia and whomever wishes to take this tag:P

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