Chloe woke up in a very good mood that morning, somehow she was feeling happy, but for no particular reason, in the end, she had pretty much the same life the day before. It was a beautiful summer Saturday. Late, as usual, storming down the stairs, while dressing up a T-shirt, Chloe went to the kitchen where she met her aunt and uncle:
- Wow, that's a first ... her aunt said jokingly. What is it with you up at this hour, and! All dressed up?
- I'm playing baseball and ... I have to go!
- Wait, where? Now? With whom?
- I was supposed to be there half an hour ago, it's just around the corner and I'm going with ... Alain, Alain Lambert.
- Let her go, her uncle Geoff interfered, have fun pumpkin!
Stopping for a second to take her breath after running up the hill, her eyes were searching for him: Alain Lambert.
- Bonsoir Chloe, he said jokingly to note the fact that she was late. Nous venons de faire les équipes ...
Everyone aligned in two rows face to face. Chloe immediately followed Alain to be on the same team as him.
- Il nous manque un joueur, said one of them.
- C’est vrai! And looking around their team, Alain noticed that they had an extra player, so he quickly moved on the opposite team.
- Non! Chloe protested, and went after Alain to join him on the same team. He laughed and went back into the first team, but Chloe did not relent so she followed him once again.
By now everyone else understood what was happening, and one of the other players moved so they can play together in the same team.
- Es-tu contente, maintenant? he asked laughing.
Under the summer skies, the night was slowly spreading over one of the most beautiful cities in the world and under the first glimpses of the sky, Chloe felt so small.
- Come get your portion! One of the players called her to reality.
Each baseball game was followed by a barbeque. That was the custom on each sunny Saturday. Holding the plate, Chloe was looking around in confusion, but Alain came with a fork:
- Je pense que c’est ça, he said, smiled and continued, ce que tu cherchais.
She was venturing towards new beginnings, walking on yet undiscovered paths so fragrant, where the sunbeams were sneaking through the trees’ branches to keep her warm when she fell asleep under the azure skies with rainbows arching over her way, even the time seemed to be more forgiving and friendly. Amidst different shades of color, full of mysteries and shadows, scented veils and curtains that seemed so real when she touched them with new meanings and confusions hidden behind, Chloe didn’t feel as the heroine of those days, but she rather felt as if she was reading the first pages of the most beautiful story.
Come on girl, I was looking every day for this to appear :).
ReplyDeleteOk, two small things (you know what to do - es-tu contente and tu cherchais ;) -
Neeeeeeexxxxxxtttt please :))!
And by the way your blog theme is too pinky minky and with hearts..., unless you keep it for a special reason ;) for today!
Thanks a lot for the corrections:D The theme is for Valentine's day, lol but I don`t think it`s going to make it til then..